Estate Planning


Cryptocurrency, . . . Or, Keeping Up with the Jetsons

We can readily envision George Jetson paying for his flying car with cryptocurrency.  Whether George...
I should have updated my Estate Plan.

DIY Estate Plans? Give Thanks(giving) if It Works!

Over the past few years, DIY estate plans have gained in popularity.  Just fill in...
happy dog

Who Will Feed Fido?

67% of US households own a pet.  That means 85 million families have at least...
Divorce Concept. Unrecognizable Furious Girl Tearing Apart Photo Of Happy Couple Indoor. Selective Focus, Panorama, Cropped

Divorce Finalized: Part 2 – Update Those Powers of Attorney!

      New potential clients routinely and casually advise that their estate plan prepared during a...

Divorce Finalized: Part 1 – You Have Resources!

The divorce process itself is traumatic.  But what about the time when the dust begins...

Back to School!

It’s Back to School time, even for college students.  Perhaps your own college student does...

Goddesses Frigga and Taylor Swift

Congratulations! If you are reading this article, you survived the one and only Friday the...
Stingy Jack

Stingy Jack

A good number of years ago in Ireland, a fellow known as Stingy Jack maintained...
A man standing in front of a table with many chairs.

From Miami To The South Seas

"Here we go. . . . Here's your ballgame, folks, as Flutie takes the snap. He drops...
A red and white santa hat is on the ground

The Original Grinch

Christmas as a celebration including fancy gift giving, festive parties, parades, and elaborate meals did...