

Maria, Irma, Harvey and Rule 108

November 6, 2017


Michael Geiger

Maria, Irma, Harvey and Rule 108 “Catastrophic”, “Extraordinary”, “Disastrous”, and unfortunately “Fatal” aptly have been used to describe the monumental hurricanes of 2017. As the lives of those impacted are slowly placed back together, we must not lose our spirit of involvement to assist as possible. Even with this utter devastation, I am constantly (pleasantly) […]

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Lessons from Louie

October 30, 2017


Michael Geiger

Lessons from Louie I continue to learn from my four legged friend, Louie, and you can too! The last few months for me could best be described as transformative. After 28 years of practicing law in established, formal settings (court system, large law firms, and in-house), I have started my own Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) […]

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Apologies in Mediation

October 18, 2017



Few issues evoke more passionate responses from mediation participants than whether a mere apology should be offered. One line of thinking is that an apology signals weakness, or worse, represents an admission of wrongdoing. To avoid that risk, an apology should never be given. Another approach is that an apology acknowledges that the other side […]

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